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What Nigerian Businesses Need To Know About eCommerce - BlogBlog
  • (+44) 743 806 9934
06 May 2013

What Nigerian Businesses Need To Know About eCommerce

There is the apparent need for businesses in Nigeria to embrace selling their products online. eCommerce design requires a lot of design skills and knowledge, as much as other types of web design.

Crea8Host offers affordable and professional online shop/store for Nigerian Startups, Sole Traders, SME’s with free domain name & web hosting with all packages.

Crea8Host worked with our parent company, LEUNAMME to help Cherries. You can visit their website at http://cherries.com.ng

Here few tips businesses in Nigeria need to consider when considering to have an online store/shop developed.

#1. Easy Search

The first thing that you must know is that the goal of a good e-commerce website design is to guide customers through finding the product they are searching and then buy it .

#2. User-Friendly

The website needs to be clean, user-friendly and to have a good design that will help customers in their shopping process. No matter what eCommerce platform you use, the design must be a good one.

Provide information about the product, because if you don’t, the costumer will go in other place to look for it and maybe but it from there. An e-commerce site should have big product images and from different angles because the customer wants to see the product in every way possible.

#3. Ease of Payment

The check-out process should not be complicated, buying from a website should be simple and fast; no one likes a complicated and long buying process.You also need to provide multiple payment solutions.

Are you thinking of taking your Nigerian business online. We’re here to offer a helping hand to you. We focus on your needs, so you can focus on growing your business.

If you’d like to discuss anything about your online shop, we’re here to help! If you have an idea for your business that you would like to set up please contact us with more details.

All our eCommerce packages are designed with visually appealing interface. You can try our eCommerce demo before you order



