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SEO For Nigerian Businesses: How To Get Found Online - BlogBlog
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22 May 2014

SEO For Nigerian Businesses: How To Get Found Online

Are you a business owner and have just started with your online presence? You are definitely thinking of getting more visitors, building your brand and increasing sales. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is one way to go about. It a continuous effort and requires commitment.

Search Engine Optimisation is the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engine via the “natural” or unpaid(“organic or “algorithmic”) search results. (You perhaps already know this).

These Are 5 Tips Nigerian Businesses Need to Know:

RESEARCH: Understand your marketplace for a solid foundation; research to discover what the Nigerian consumer are searching for, what already brings you traffic, and what converts.

OPTIMISE: Utilise Google Webmaster guidelines and other sources to optimise your platform, make your site great for users, and great for search engines too!

BUILD: Utilise your existing business relationships online by requesting link, demonstrate your expertise by contributing to community forums and always reference your website.

CREATE: Content is, and always will be king! Create great quality content that informs, promotes and connects with your users.

EVOLVE: Measure your performance and refine strategy accordingly; use your website data to learn, analyse & explore strategies to improve performance.

Some of these tips might involve putting on many hats by learning and adapting or hiring a consultant/ creative company to help you out. There are shortcuts in SEO but they don’t pay off long term as rankings are not guaranteed, so be wary of anyone who offers a guarantee. SEO is not “GET RICH QUICK”, It takes time and consistent investment to succeed.

It’s not just about super generic terms, more specific search terms deliver results. Search Engines change. So stay updated

Whatever you do, remember this:

Think Longevity. User first, search engine second. Be organic…
